Thursday, November 02, 2006

2 new tea accessories

This one just came in today. A tea quilt my mother made with fabric she bought during her last visit to see me in Taipei. The main side is black and the other side is plain black. (The picture shows a round stain, but it's just my camera lens that needs cleaning!)
Here you see how it looks with my zhuni Xishi teapot, Qing cups and other accessories. Thank you maman for this beautiful gift. I love it!

If you look closely, you will see 2 dark green objects. One with the loose puerh leaves, one under the wooden stick.

Let's look closer! This is my second new accessory. It is more widely available here: Chinese lions made of Jade from Burma.
There's a hole between their front feet so that they can also be worn as necklaces. But I find they add a nice touch of color and strength to the whole set. These animals are like companions sharing a sip of refreshing tea. And maybe will I too roar like I lion after my gongfu cha with them.
Anyway, they are nice little stones that make my set not only more Chinese, but also more personal.


  1. Trop mignon, ce petit lion de jade! Ou peut-on en trouver? C´est cher?

    Bien à toi! Suzanne

  2. Si vous ne vous en trouvez pas, je veux bien vous aider à vous en procurer. Comme je ne suis pas expert en la matière, je n'achète pas de jades chères. Celle-ci coute moins de 10 euros, par exemple.
