Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day and Night

Day: Fresh High Mountain Oolong

Night: Roasted Oolong from Wu Yi

There's always a time and a mood for tea!


  1. Really nice lighting in both of these shots!
    I like the contrast!

  2. And I like the contrast in oolongs. :)
    The first oolongs I ever tried were from Taiwan and I was shocked when I sampled rou gui because I assumed that all oolongs were similar (you mean they weren't all rolled? They didn't all taste floral?). I had a LOT to learn.

  3. "There's always a time and a mood for tea!"

    Indeed !! And life's too short
    to drink ordinary tea...

  4. Yes, Karen, Oolongs exist in various shapes and tastes. Welcome to the exploration!

    Sir William of the Leaf, the day light is a little rainy, but the contrast in light and matching setups is nice.

    ... in an ordinary way!
