I wish you a nice weekend with this picture I took today near Pinglin. I drove up the mountains on this sunny afternoon. I thought I was in heaven. A landscape with tea fields is just beautiful. They don't seem as intrusive as fruit orchards and blend in well with the rest of nature. I actually hadn't realized how near all these fields are from Taipei. I'll definitely make this a 'go often' destination for future weekends.

Today was also a very good day to get some mountain spring water. It hasn't rained much in recent days, so that the spring water came out very pure and cool. You can actually see my canister and the water pipe abve and behind the butterfly!
I'm looking forward making my tea with this spring water. It tasted so sweet this afternoon...
(You have guessed that I also used the journey to restock my Baozhongs! So, I have the 'subtropical forrest' again. I also got a sample of an Oriental Beauty of 2006. I wonder how it compares to my 2005 Hsin Chu Oriental Beauty I also recently repurchased.)
Que c'est joli d'observer une feuille de thé de près. Après avoir préparé du thé, j'aime bien sortir quelques feuilles de la théière et les étaler pour bien observer leur structure, etc. Comme je n'ai pas la chance de pouvoir contempler une feuille de thé à son état naturel, j'aime bien regarder ces photos.
I envy where you choose to live. Being able to have access to tea fields, mountains in nature is almost like you can smell and obsorb tea through your skin, soaking in a natural giant teapot. :)
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