It contains 2 cl only in normal use and weighs 46 grams.
Its small size makes it a good fit for small teapots and several drinkers. I like the simplicity of its lines. And, I like the little opening at the rim. This detail adds a lot of softness to the contact with the lip.
Cette petite coupe possède en effet des lignes magnifiques. Splendide ! J'y verrai bien quelques petites goûtes de gyokuro...
Aussi, je te renvois le compliment, bravo pour cet excellent blog... et pour la qualité des photos qui me font mourir de jalousie !
Pour les photos, tu as plus de chance que moi: tu habites le pays de la photo! Vas t'acheter un bon Canon ou Nikon. Ensuite prends 2 ingredients: de la bonne lumière et l'envie de partager la beauté du thé!
Pour y mettre du Gyokuro, cela serait sympa que tu m'envoies un petit mail...
Dear Stephane,
this is a real beauty. A wonderful wonderful choice. Your blog continues to educate, inspire and charm.
Thank you
From Paola in Tokyo, Japan.
That's a darling cup!
You are killing me. So many subtle yet beautiful tea cups. It makes deciding that much more challenging.
I enjoy your blog very much, and continue to learn a lot.
Thank you Paola. It's been a long time! It's nice that you continue to follow my blog. Good continuation in Japan.
Thanks Karen and Mark!
pure et élégante
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