The whole island is taking a few days of vacation to celebrate. So am I! My best wishes to all of you!
Bonne Nouvelle Année du Rat!
Quelques jours de vacances (bien mérités) m'attendent. Si j'ai l'occasion de faire de jolies découvertes, des promenades dans les plantations de thé... vous le saurez à mon retour.
En attendant, j'espère que cette toile au motif Shan Shui (montagne et eau) vous inspirera pour trouver la force intérieure calme qui précède les meilleurs moments de thé.
Bonheur et prospérité!
Tea booth event in a Bangkok mall
10 minutes ago
Bonne année du rat à toi aussi ainsi qu'a tout tes lecteurs.
Bonne année du rat(hé) hé hé
Live long and prosper
Hello Stephane, happy new year.
Wish all the best in the year of rat!
Just a preliminary info, the method I told you seems to work. More detail later...
Do you still have any tea pots for sale stephane ? If so , how do I contact you to get details of what is available and a price list ?
Please forgive me stephane . I shall begin again . HAPPY NEW YEAR ! May I wish you and your family all the best in the year of the rat ! Do you still have any tea pots for sale ? If so, how do I contact you to get details of what is available and a price list ?
Happy new year Stephane, You may be interested in my blog article about a tea tasting I enjoyed in Bristol - I gave your blog a mention.
hi, my name is cecil from duesseldorf. this is a nice blog! i am very interested in chinese green tea. something wich is getting more and more difficult to get in germany. my main adresses for internet tea shopping are:
you have other adresses wich you could recommend?
sorry for asking so direct for connections...
with regards
I would like to contact you directly via email. Is this possible? My email is:
I thank you in advanced.
Ana Costa e Curto.
Lisbon, Portugal.
my one is
Thanks in advance
I want you to know that we are aggregating your blog entries on the Twinings site. You'll notice your site is on the blog roll and your posts can be found on the top tea blogs page. We would appreciate a link to the Twinings Tea blog on your blog roll or links section too. While we may not be posting all the blog entries from your site, we attempt to post all your entries pertaining to tea drinking.
Un Rat te remercie, Stéphane !!
Une excellente année à toi aussi ainsi qu'à tous les lecteurs de ce blog.
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