And the great thing about all this knowledge is that it then enables us to prepare our tea in a more artistic way. Each Cha Xi, tea play (like a stage performance) is like a picture. We compose it with our tea accessories and try to match forms, colors and tea. For my display,, for instance, I used:
- a modern silver teapot (which works well for young, green puerhs and Oolongs),
- modern lungchuan cups. Their green color is a good fit for young raw puerh,
- a Dragon tetsubin heated by coal on a early Chunghua Republic Nilu,
- a (beautiful!) Jun ware bowl to collect spent water,
- and (also beautiful) a tea cloth made by my mother (thanks mom!)

It may seem like putting a lot of effort to make a several cups of tea. But tea has its own magic: the more efforts and concentration you make, the more interesting and fulfilling it becomes. This afternoon was no exception.
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