Heavy roasting is more common for Dong Ding Oolongs and lower elevation Oolongs in general. Few tea makers will roast Gao Shan Oolong. Skills and customer taste prevent this. Skills: it's more difficult to roast lightly oxidized Gao Shan Oolong than more strongly oxidized Dong Ding Oolong. If the roasting is not well done, then the tea will loose its original high value. And most (young, urban) Taiwanese tea drinkers are looking for lightness in their Gao Shan Oolong. They tend to associate roasting with cheaper low altitude Oolong.
More experienced tea drinkers who appretiate traditional Wu Yi Yan Cha know that the finest Oolongs in Wu Yi are roasted (Da Hong Pao, Tie Luo Han, Shui Xian...) The higher the quality of the original tea leaves, the more potential it has to become a great roasted tea.

That's why I was very happy to find this roasted Shan Lin Shi (long Feng Xia) luanze Oolong from Spring 2004.
The dry leaves are brown, a sign that the roasting was rather strong. The leaves open more slowly, but they have kept their elasticity.

The aromas are much sweeter and fruitier. They are very concentrated. I even smell ripe olive oil. The wet leaves have a smell of charcoal, but it doesn't really appear in the cup. The scents are fine and very well balanced. In the later brews, the flowery tones will even appear shortly again!

Advice: this kind of high quality roasted Oolong is very concentrated. A few leaves brewed for several minutes will yield already a very intense cup of tea. For my testing, for instance, I used a standard 3 grams for 10 cl brewed for 5 minutes and the result was very good already. So, when playing around with it, I suggest you first try to use few grams and long infusion times.
Cher Stephane
Ce thé est incroyable,son parfum est extraordinaire,très floral, avec une puissance hors du commun,très peu ou pas d'amertume.L'infusion est cristalline une belle couleur jaune.Ce thé est dangereusement générateur d' addiction.J'y ai mis tardivement le nez dedans après reception de ma commande,mais là oups cet après midi je me suis rendu compte qu'il ne m'en restait que pour 2 infusions....tout a une fin.....jusqu'à la prochaine commande..j'espere qu'il en restera.Merci encore à toi,qui est notre ambassadeur au pays des délices Alain
Dear Stéphane,
I would like to connect with Shan Lin Shi - the Long Feng Xia plantation.
Can you please give me a phone# or website or emailaddress to reach them?
I would appreciate this very much. Can you please write to me ad rob@truespirit.eu
Thanks so much,
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