Monday, November 13, 2023

1 day 1 tea: day 12

Day 12: Dong Ding style Hung Shui Oolong from Shan Lin Xi, spring 2009.

This Sunday was a day of cooking and good food for the kids who came back home. So, instead of a Chaxi, I made some tea to go with lunch. This is a challenge, because you try to imagine the meal and which tea would go well with the food. Like Gongfu Cha, there's some theory, but even more practive. And the more teas you have in your collection, the larger the choice and the more difficult it is to find the best match.
Here, I'm pairing a vegan dish of stir fried garlic with bell peppers, zucchini and chickpeas with some sesame paste (tahini) added at the end. The aged Hung Shui Oolong has very mild roast aromas and a natural sweetness and good aftertaste that worked particularly well with the chichpeas and the sesame. 

1 comment:

EG said...

I can imagine this combination and it seems very good! The slight bitterness of tahini, earthy flavours of beans and veg, pungent garlic...all offset by the tea's mellow, sweet taste. Nice combination!