Monday, November 27, 2023

1 day 1 tea: day 26, puerh gushu from Yiwu, 2003

Day 26: Wild Yiwu qizi bing cha, spring 2003.

This tea had to be in my November review challenge! Why? Because it's the first puerh I have collected, 20 years ago. If you have followed my blog for a while, you will already have seen this puerh brewed. It has also sentimental value, because I purchased a tong as a gift to mark his birth year. In the meantime, he has reached 20. He's too busy with his studies to drink tea, so I continue to watch over his tong, and drink from my stash!
The color is quite similar to the puerh I had on day 24, because they are about the same age, but it feels a little bit more energetic, probably because the leaves have been pressed into a cake. This time, I'm using a tiny Yixing zisha teapot to show that puerh can also be enjoyed in very small quantities.
The fact that I'm still drinking this tea with pleasure 20 years after first tasting shows that the tea lessons I received were not in vain. They helped me better understand what would improve with time and what not. Buying for drinking now or buying for the long term are quite different. In the second case, one has to be much more careful and knowledgeable.

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